In accordance with my tendency toward a split-personality as a parent (which I mention in my last post), I am now making a post about how lovely and adorable my children are.
Samuel is growing and changing so much! He is very strong - a friend of mine likes to say he has "good posture," and it's true. Just now I went to check on him as he was falling asleep in his crib, and he had almost rolled himself onto his tummy from his back. (He's been rolling onto his back from his tummy since his second day of life.) He has started to really laugh, but not very often, so we really treasure the moments when he does. In fact, right after I wrote my sad post below, I went to change his diaper, and he laughed and laughed about it. It was great. Diaper changes are his favorite part of the day, so neither of us mind doing them.
His favorite vocalization right now is a growl, which sounds like a burp at first but then you realize he's doing it intentionally. A week or two ago, he went through a phase of blowing bubbles - it seemed like there was a continuous fountain of bubbles at his lips and a trail of drool to match. He's moved on from that now, and his new focus is simply getting everything in his mouth, as you can see above. These two pictures represent how I usually see him nowdays - mouth open awaiting object, or object in mouth.
He is a very content, happy, smiley baby. He only cries if he is hungry, usually only if he's quite past due for a feeding (or if I've stopped a feeding before he was ready).
He is so cute! I love his big eyes.