Well, I'm preparing my resume and shopping for work clothes. As soon as my resume is ready, I have around five-ten jobs marked for its submission. So I guess we are moving forward with the intention of me getting a job -- whether full-time or part-time, and what field precisely, is yet to be seen.
We have three appointments set up to interview home day care providers, and I took walk-in tours of the three day care centers nearest our home. We did enroll Jacob and Ethan in the school-age program at a nearby church. We also saw a family therapist tonight -- the whole family went. So that was interesting! The kids were wild but that is probably a good thing for this purpose. I think he will be able to help us. We are going back next week. This is one instance in which I am very glad we had to pay our deductible and co-insurance already this year. I'm glad we aren't put in a position of needing or wanting to ration therapy we really need.
I just thought I should give a little update. Thank you so much for your prayers and encouraging words. I'm really trying to pull myself out of this -- or I guess I should say and realize, that I need to allow myself to be pulled out by God. I sort of feel like I'm just in survival mode, grasping at sanity or stability -- however you want to describe it. I will be so happy to get past this into a more purposeful, stable place.
Just want to applaud the gift you are giving yourself, your family. A few of my classmates have never gone to therapy and after learning just the beginnings of LMFT are excited to find their own therapists!