Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Part one of Christmas is over. Heath's family left today after spending four days with us. We had a very nice time together. I am always so sad when my company leaves, but this time I have something to look forward to and distract me from my sadness. My mom will be here tomorrow afternoon for Christmas part two!

Ethan let Jacob help him unwrap his bike.

Samuel was very excited about all the wrapping paper.
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  1. I have been looking for these pictures. How fun that you get to have Christmas twice.

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    samuel looks so grown up.

  3. I hope you have fun with your mom. I'm glad you all had a Merry Christmas. We miss you!

  4. Anonymous8:28 AM

    yes, the aftermath of christamas is indeed a little empty isn't it? i think it shows how deep your love is for your family.
