Wednesday, December 19, 2007

we need Him

We watched The Nativity a couple of days ago. Jacob watched most of it with me, but Ethan only watched a little bit since it was pretty intense in parts (and pretty slow and dull for a 3 year old the rest of the time).

The first scene is particularly intense, as it shows the Romans going into Bethlehem to kill the boy babies under 2 years of age. It doesn't show much, but enough that Ethan knew they were killing the babies. He said, "They killed baby Jesus? Oh no! But we need Him!"

Such a sweet, sincere statement, such a precious understanding. Out of the mouths of babes...


  1. Oh, that the whole world would understand the words and heart of that 3 year old.

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    very cool. very insightful.
