Wednesday, April 04, 2007

false alarm?!?

I went in for an OB appointment today, the first one since I received the results from my 24 hour protein test. The doctor says I DO NOT have a diagnosis of preeclampsia, since none of my numbers have been over the threshold for making that diagnosis. In fact, she seemed to think I am pretty healthy, still! She said that I have had only the one blood pressure reading that was borderline and higher than normal for me (the one that prompted the 24 hour protein test), and that reading could have been caused by me being stressed out or having been rushing around or other similar reasons. My blood pressure today was 122/70, which is perfect for me. I was so delightedly bewildered by the prognosis that I asked them to take it again before I left. They had me sit quietly for a while (after I had already been sitting for over an hour waiting and talking to the doctor), and the reading dropped even farther, to 102/70. Also, there was no protein in the dipstick test, which is more good news; although the dipstick tests are not as accurate as the 24 hour test I did last week.

I asked the doctor how there could be any protein in my 24 hour test if I don't have preeclampsia. The nurse had told me on the phone last Thursday that any protein in your urine is not normal, and that it meant mild preeclampsia. The doctor explained that there are other reasonable scenerios that could cause protein to show up in the test, other than my kidneys spilling protein into my urine from being damaged by preeclampsia. This was very reassuring, because hearing that I had protein in my urine was kind of the clincher for me believing the nurse who told me I did have preeclampsia again. I didn't know any reason other than preeclampsia to have that, and if I was spilling even a little bit of protein from my kidneys now, then it was only a matter of how quickly the disease would progress and how severe it would get. It doesn't go away once it starts, not in the natural course of things anyway (Although I totally leave room for God's supernatural intervention!).

My high blood pressure reading Monday night was probably due to being worried about what was going to happen to me and to the baby. I guess I shouldn't have taken what the nurse said so seriously until I was able to talk to the doctor. I'm sure she wasn't trying to freak me out as much as she did, but for someone who has already had preeclampsia twice and has read and heard lots of information about how quickly it can progress, hearing that I had even the beginnings of the disease again was very frightening. The high reading Monday night convinced Heath and I both that I must indeed have it and that it must be progressing further, but oh what relief and puzzlement we felt today after my doctor appointment! Perhaps I will go to term after all, without bedrest or induced labor.

Thank you for all of your prayers. I can't tell you how much better I have felt since you have been praying for me. Perhaps God did actually stop what was beginning to occur, so that my blood pressure was actually lower today because of supernatural intervention - not because of a false reading last time. Either way, I am just happy to know that for now, I am still alright and the baby is still doing great. I so appreciate knowing I have people who love me and are praying for me and there to help if we need it.


  1. Jenny, my doctor said, before I was diagnosed with pre-e, that a certain elevation of protein in your urine is fairly normal during pregnancy. I'm glad that yours wasn't enough to warrant a diagnosis of pre-e and that bed rest isn't in your immediate future. Praise God for His protection.
    I also think that some nurses don't think about what they say before they say it and forget that pregnant women have a thousand concerns on their plate already.
    At any rate, great news!

  2. Jenny,
    I am so glad everything is okay with you and the baby. I think God answered the many prayers going in for you.
    Love ya,

  3. Yay!! Glad you can enjoy the Easter weekend, too!

  4. Anonymous10:16 PM

    we'll keep praying that you continue to be healthy. pregnant and mothering 2 other sources of boundless energy can drain you - you're doing great!
