Thursday, March 29, 2007

I got the results of my 24 hr. protein test this morning. 238 mg. mild pre-e. No intervention at this point; I'll be carefully monitored and continue to do 24 hr. protein tests (how often I don't know yet). My blood pressure has been around 135/75-80 at my appointments. At home it comes out 125/70, I don't know if my monitor is off or if I am all wound up at the doctor's office? Blood pressure of 140/90 and protein over 300 mg in 24 hrs. is cause for concern, from what I understand.

Pre-e only happens in 5-7% of all pregnancies. They think maybe it has to do with the woman's body rejecting the foreign genetic material, but no one really knows the cause.

I am grateful for no complications so far, and I trust God to take care of the baby and me until it is time for him to be born. The baby is big for his gestational age, about 2 weeks ahead. So obviously, he is doing great! :-D And actually, I feel fine too - pregnant, but fine. I would have no idea anything was not within normal values except for my prenatal appointments.

PS - We are flying to Philadelphia tomorrow morning to pick up our new (new to us) van! I am very excited and happy about this mini-vacation. We'll be driving back to Kansas after seeing some of Amish country and a little of DC. Please pray for our safe travel. Our kids will be staying with Great-Grandma and Aunt-Gail in GC, so they basically get a vacation too.


  1. Ooh, that sounds like fun. When we were in Pennsylvania on the way to Jon's graduation there was an enormous garage sale that spanned the state and the only description of what was going on that we could get from anyone was "it's when the Amish bring the horses down from the mountain". What that has to do with old household items I have no idea.

    Have fun!

  2. Who is the "they" in the last sentence? Not Aunt Gail and Grandma, is it? Hope you have a great time! We will take good care of the boys and have a lot of fun with them.
    Glad my new nephew is doing so well too.

  3. Ha! No, I didn't mean that it would be a vacation for you, Auntie G. But it is a vacation for my kids. Like their own personal amusement park. :-)

  4. Betsy, that is hilarious about the garage sales! I hope something like that will be going on while we are there, that would be wonderful.
