Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Can I just complain for a minute? I am so ready not to be pregnant anymore. I don't mind being huge and unwieldy, and I actually love feeling the baby move all the time, but I am so tired of feeling bad all the time. I never feel rested, I am almost always desperately wishing I could go back to bed. I can sleep 10 hours and still crave an afternoon nap (and my kids don't take afternoon naps anymore, so it's not a possibility). The last couple of weeks I have been battling heartburn. My emotions are off the chart, and I have lost all capacity for logical reasoning and at times for any coherent thought. I'm tired of feeling like a loser because of not having any energy to do my chores or to cook, tired of feeling like I am disappointing and stressing out my husband all the time (don't worry, he never says this, those are just my projections). I look around the house at all I want to get done before the baby gets here, and I hate not having the energy to do those things. I have attempted several of these projects and ended up totally wiped out and back in bed.

I am not a good pregnant person. :-( I try to keep a positive attitude most of the time, but I let frustration with my physical limitations get to me too often.


  1. Good vent!
    You will never be a loser to us.
    Gail and Grandma

  2. It does sound like it would be frustrating! Good thing it won't last, right?

  3. I am right there with you!!! I could fall asleep right this second. However...although I want to have this baby desperately, every night before I go to bed I think, "I do hope I don't go into labor tonight--I'm much too tired!"

  4. Anonymous11:34 PM

    we're praying for that baby to come soon (not too soon of course). I feel for you, I had two little ones and a 3rd on the way - you can't tie a shoe much less someone else's. kim's right - good thing it won't last. I think you're doing great though - please, please, please let us take the boys for an afternoon - I'll take a nap in the morning (smile) so I'm all caught up on energy! let me know what day works - I'll set a date sat.
