Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Thank God for antibiotics. After two days of Zithromax, I can breathe again without constant doses of albuterol. Yay!

I think Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. And this year, we get to have it at our house! I know I have tons of cleaning ahead of me, and I probably won't get the house as clean as I'd like before my family gets here, but I'm still really looking forward to it. I feel like the Thanksgiving holiday is all about family. Christmas is commercialized and materialistic, and causes me more stress than joy, unfortunately. Halloween is a controversy, and Independence Day is a party, but Thanksgiving is a celebration of family and home.

If everyone shows up, we'll have over 20 people here. We'll have turkey, ham, pheasant and quail, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, corn, sweet potatoes, rolls, pumpkin and pecan pies. New world foods. (Well, for the most part anyway.) Then the men will watch sports on TV and the women will talk while we clean up and then while we relax around the kitchen table. The children will be occupied playing with their cousins. Half of the group will drift off for naps, and then everyone will come back together for leftovers in the evening.

So, what are your Thanksgiving rituals?


  1. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I love the Alsop Connect Four Tournament, and singing about the trifecta of pies "Pumpkin, Lard Nut, Apple" in three part harmony, with Matthew directing.

    But Thanksgiving is #5 on my list of favorite holidays, and that's not even counting my Birthday. Christmas, Easter, New Years, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Betsy. :-)

    I almost forgot about Easter! I'd say it ties for first place with Thanksgiving for me. As far as spiritual significance, it trumps Thanksgiving, of course; but for the actual celebration/rituals part, our families aren't as consistent with Easter as they are with Thanksgiving. I also love celebrating our wedding anniversary.
