Monday, November 27, 2006

dangerous roles

With the wave of celebrity divorces lately, it has me thinking. Obviously, the Hollywood environment contributes to the high divorce rate. It wouldn't be easy on a marriage for one or both partners to be performing kissing scenes (or worse) with someone other than each other.

So, should we as Christians, who want to promote the sacredness of marriage vows and want to look out for the well-being of our neighbors (even our neighbors in Hollywood), not support movies in which a married actor or actress makes out with someone other than their spouse? If we saw this happening in real life - someone we knew passionately kissing someone other than their spouse for whatever reason - I think we would do everything we could to discourage it.

This would be a hard standard for me to implement, because I like romantic comedies. Beyond that, many action or suspense movies have a romantic subplot as well. So there might not be many movies left to watch, and watching movies has traditionally been something Heath and I really enjoy. But it is something I have been considering, nonetheless. I'm not saying that any movie with a romantic subplot is a danger to the marriages of the actors and actresses; some movies have fairly chaste and brief kissing scenes. But that seems to be the exception rather than the norm lately.

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