Sunday, November 26, 2006


Back Row: Uncle Larry, my brother Jeff, Craig's girlfriend Nicole, my cousin Craig holding his son Keagen, Laura's son John, Gina's husband Tad, Aunt Connie, Uncle Ken. Front Row: Aunt Phyllis, my mom Bonnie, me holding Ethan, my cousin Gina holding daughter Kate, Laura's son Gene, my cousin Laura, Laura's son Gene. Lower Front: Jacob and Gina's daughter Anna.

Me with my cousin Gina


  1. I notice that you chose the family picture without me.

  2. Only because you are our master photographer. Besides, once I put up your photoshopped version, it will be irrelevant. :-)

  3. The masterfull photoshoped version is ready and waiting!

  4. I replaced the original with the photoshopped version.

  5. ...and that means now i have to go back and have a closer look. (when i looked the other day Heath wasn't there.)just thought i'd say i like the photos. you and your cousin have the exact same's weird how much you look so much alike yet so different. looks like you all had a wonderful time! happy holidays!

  6. omigosh, that is too funny! hahaha. ah, photoshop voodoo. (i won't touch the stuff but that's because i don't want my artwork to be compromised...i want people to know i literally hauled a piano in to the field.)
