Sunday, February 24, 2008

date night update

I did manage to leave the house and have a very nice time on our date, despite my obsessive tendencies. I did not get everything I could have finished, but alas, none of the unusual scenarios I imagined happened. I know logically that I don't need to do that much preparation, but for some reason on the day we are scheduled to have a babysitter, I get sucked into a whirlwind of tension fueled by obsession and self-deprecation.


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    The one time we left Brooklen and Sean with a sitter other than Grandma Brooklen thought she could fly (she was two)and jumped from the sofa to the table. Well of course she could't fly so we spent the remainder of the evening at the emergency room. After several stitches to her upper lip we left them at Grandma's and then finished our Christmas shopping at Walmart of course since It was the 23rd and after 9 and nothing else was open.

  2. Oh my! Poor Brooklen! Well, that doesn't make you want to leave them with anyone other than Grandma, does it? We've never even had anything bad happen when our sitters are here, so I don't have an excuse for acting paranoid.
