Monday, July 09, 2007

We had a lovely long weekend. We made it to GC in time for a BBQ and fireworks, though not nearly as early as we hoped (as usual). We spent lots of time with family Wednesday through Friday, then attended a 7/7/07 party with friends Saturday night. Check out some pictures here: 7 party!

Sunday, the women of our church threw a baby shower for Samuel. It was lots of fun, with a teddy bear cupcake-cake, celebrity baby-to-parent matching game, lots of cool presents and interesting conversation. Samuel received cute clothes and shoes, a really soft blanket, lots of diapers, wipes and baby toiletries, plus some gift cards for anything else we need and some items purchased especially with Mom and big brothers in mind. Thank you so much, ladies! You have really blessed our family. (I didn't bring my personal photographer with me, so unfortunately I don't have any pictures to share this time. :-)


  1. Glad you made it home safe and had a wonderful shower. I was looking forward to pictures but, I will forgive.
    Love ya,

  2. Anonymous11:23 PM

    can't tell you how much we love you and your beautiful family!! congrats!!
