Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Do you ever feel like your children are intentionally trying to make you crazy?

I said in my post below that my only hope for salvaging the day was to get a nap this afternoon. I'm not talking about a long nap or a completely undisturbed nap, but something where I can at least sort of slip away from reality and relax for 30 minutes to an hour would have worked.

So, I finally get Samuel down for his afternoon nap about an hour ago. Immediately I turn on a show for the big boys and lay down on the playroom couch. I thought I learned my lesson from this morning - I wasn't even going to try the bed and TV in our room, since it was across the hall from Samuel's room. Too hard to keep the big boys quiet. I told them how important it was that I get a little bit of rest, so to please let me lay there in peace so that I could recover, not be grumpy, and we could have a good evening.

They started climbing all over me almost immediately. I did my best to ignore this and drift off to sleep. Someone dropped butt down onto my head a couple of times. I was determined to pretend I didn't notice. Finally, when Ethan was laying on my back hitting me in the head and screaming "Mommy! Mommy!" in my ear, I gave up on the couch. I paused the show, sat up and explained again how important it was that I get some rest and get it NOW. I told them I was going into the guest room (adjacent to the playroom), that I would leave the door open, but to leave me alone and let me rest. I turned their show back on and went in there. Within minutes Ethan was back in climbing on my bed. I scolded him and he stopped. Then I felt someone else bump my bed. "Stop!" Bump. "Don't bump the bed!" Bump. "I'm trying to rest!" Hop up on the bed. It's Jacob. He's scared because Ethan is telling him there are monsters in the bedroom.

OMG. Seriously. I know people handle stuff like this, and way way worse, but I feel like they are trying to torture me or make me crazy. I know, I know, it's all about how I react to it, blah blah blah. I need a nap!

Samuel's screaming. "Naptime" is over. Gotta go get him. 3.5 more hours to survive.


  1. You are so funny!

    I know it wasn't funny at the time. I have felt the same way in regards to whether or not they're trying to make me crazy.

  2. Anonymous8:34 AM

    We shipped hound dog Easy off to the country yesterday with Joy's sister Liz, and couldn't believe how pleasantly quiet and responsibility-free we felt last evening ... even got to sleep through the night without a weedle-break! So you have our sympathies -- and Easy sleeps 20 hours a day! So we can only imagine having three full-time "puppies":) At least Heath's heading home after only a few days rather than being "deployed" for months, eh? Hope Mason's back to snuff!

  3. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I think that kids are born with some sort of "drive mom crazy" gene. Amelie's is working in full gear. My biggest struggle with her right now is trying to be PATIENT. Patient through the many distractions she invents while attempting to complete a task. Patient through the whining. Patient through the declarations like, "I will never, ever get up from this chair b/c I am never, ever going to eat this carrot." And on...and on...and on.... I feel your pain!!!
